Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 19 Special Ballot Initiative

By Rosalyn Hummel

I'm sure most of you have heard about the Special Ballot initiative on May 19. If you haven't, it's a massive tax increase ($16B) that California does NOT need right now!

The already approved tax increase has made California the highest-tax state in the nation for at least the next two years. Proposition 1A wants to extend that.

The already approved tax increase will cost a typical California family more than $1,100 annually.
We will be paying higher sales taxes, which hits low income residents the hardest. Does anybody really want to pay a 9.25% sales tax? I should hope not.
We will be paying a higher car tax, which hits everyone who must drive to work.
We will be paying higher income taxes which hurt everyone.
We will see a reduction in the tax credit for dependents, costing California families $200 per child.

Proposition 1A extends all these taxes well into the future in return for meaningless “budget reform.”

I implore everyone to get out and vote in May 19 and vote NO on Props 1A-1F. If you need to register for a mail-in ballot, go to this webpage:
and fill out the form, print it, and mail it in to your county elections clerk.
If you don't know where to mail it in, you can find the address at this link:

If any of you are in the Santa Barbara area May 9th or 16th, I encourage you to go volunteer with the Montecito Hope Ranch Republican Women's Club and inform people about the propositions and encourage them to vote NO. It will be at the Borders on State/Paseo Nuevo from 12pm-4pm.

Stop the phony spending cap!

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